The number of people injured in a gas cylinder explosion at an engagement party in Minya has risen to 25

09:38 PM

Friday, April 12, 2024

Gas cylinder explosion

Minya – Gamal Muhammad:

A source at the Minya Health Directorate revealed today, Friday, that the number of people injured with various burns following a gas cylinder explosion in one of the villages of Abu Qurqas Center, south of Minya, has increased to 25.

The source said that the injuries varied from first, second, and third degree, and they were transferred to the burns departments of Abu Qurqas and Minya University Hospitals, after sending more than 12 ambulances.

The security services in Minya had received notification of a signal from the Rescue Operations Room that there was a report from the people of the village of Mansafis, affiliated with the Abu Qurqas Center, about the explosion of a gas cylinder, this Friday evening, and that a number of injuries had occurred.

Security services and ambulances moved to the scene of the accident, and 25 people were found to have suffered various burns, and they were transferred to public hospitals.

Initial investigations revealed that during the engagement of JS’s daughter, a gas leak occurred in the gas cylinder in the presence of a number of guests, and the cylinder exploded and caused injuries.

A report was drawn up regarding the incident, the Public Prosecution was notified to undertake the investigation, the security services imposed a cordon around the house, and the Criminal Investigation Department was tasked with investigating and uncovering the circumstances of the incident.

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The engagement party turned into a disaster… 16 were injured in a gas cylinder explosion in Minya

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