Trump calls for Biden’s impeachment and expulsion from the White House


Friday, March 8, 2024 07:00 AM

Former US President Donald Trump announced that the current head of state, Joe Biden, is surrounded by fascists and communists, and added that it is time to say to the current president, “You are fired.”

Trump said on his social network TRUTH Social: “You are losing a lot of money because these people do not know what they are doing. All of this is caused by Corrupt Joe and the people around him, far-left Marxists, fascists, communists and socialists. Our country is run by people the likes of which we have never seen before.”

He pointed out that Biden and other representatives of the US Democratic Party stole trillions of dollars from Americans, spending them on the needs of illegal immigrants and the “green” agenda, causing the highest inflation rate in the country in many years.

The former president added: “Under my leadership, there was no inflation. We had the greatest economy in global history. It’s time to say to corrupt Joe Biden: You’re fired.”

Biden’s statements come before Joe Biden’s annual State of the Union address on Thursday evening.

Trump had earlier invited Biden to participate in a televised debate, and the White House refused to clarify whether the current president was ready to take such a step, and redirected journalists’ questions about this topic to his campaign headquarters.

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