Uber driver to the prosecution: “If I make a mistake, they will execute me.” His lawyer reveals his position

Books – Ramadan Younes:

Muhammad Jamal al-Din, the lawyer for the “Uber driver” accused of trying to kidnap and rape a girl in the gathering, said that his client denied all the charges against him before the prosecution; He admitted to the investigation authorities: “If I did this, they would execute me.”

The accused’s lawyer continued in a live broadcast to “Masrawy” that the accused adhered to his request to the prosecution to unload the surveillance cameras in the car at the scene of the accident, in order to reveal the circumstances of the incident and indicate the validity of his attempt to kidnap the girl and violate her honor: “The Arabic car has audio and video cameras and he asked to unload that.”

The lawyer indicated: If it is proven that my client committed the incident, I will step down from defending the case: “If the driver is found guilty in the case, I will step down.”

For his part, “Hassan,” the Uber driver, left Saraya Thani Nasr City Prosecution Office, after hearing his statements regarding the incident.

The prosecution ordered the driver to be examined by forensic medicine to determine whether he had taken narcotic substances or not, and also ordered the seizure of the weapon used in the incident.

The prosecution summoned eyewitnesses to the incident who transported the girl from the desert of the Third Settlement to her home.

Uber driver defense

Read also:

3 urgent decisions from the prosecution regarding the “gathering girl” incident

A confrontation between the Uber driver and the “gathering girl” in front of the prosecution… and the latter: Why did you do that?

“The evidence is there and we will go to forensic medicine.” The sister of the “Uber driver” victim reveals new surprises

Uber driver to the prosecution: “If I make a mistake, they will execute me.” His lawyer reveals his position on the case

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