Video: Monitoring and shooting down Iranian drones and missiles in Arab countries

Video clips monitored Iranian marches and missiles in the airspace of Arab countries neighboring Israel, where some of them were shot down.

Video clips documented the interception of a missile over the skies of Lebanese cities, but the location or any additional details were not determined.

Agence France-Presse reported that its photographer heard the sounds of at least two explosions in the capital, Beirut. Another journalist in the Bekaa region, east of the country, on the border with Syria, said that he heard several explosions.

Another video recorded marches and missiles crossing the sky of the Jordanian capital, Amman.

Video clips of missiles that landed in Jordanian cities and between residential neighborhoods were spread on social media, and the Al-Hurra website was unable to confirm them.

Several drones were seen after being shot down in neighborhoods south of the capital, Amman.

Residents gathered around the wreckage of what was suspected to be a large drone that had fallen in a commercial area in the Marj Al-Hamam suburb of the city.

Residents of several cities in northern Jordan near Syria and the central and southern regions of the Kingdom heard the sound of intense air activity.

An official in the US Department of Defense revealed to Al-Hurra TV that US forces “intercepted some marches that were directed at Israel.”

Israeli Channel 12 reported, “American and British warplanes shot down some Iranian drones heading to Israel over the border area between Iraq and Syria.”

The Ministry of Public Works and Transport in Lebanon announced that “Lebanese airspace was closed to all aircraft arriving, departing and crossing Lebanese airspace, on a temporary and precautionary basis, starting from one o’clock in the morning today, Sunday, 4/14/2024, until seven o’clock this morning ( Sunday), and therefore air navigation at Beirut Rafic Hariri International Airport has been completely closed during this period referred to above, provided that this will be updated and reviewed according to developments.”

Jordan said earlier that it had closed its airspace, as of Saturday evening, to all incoming, departing and transiting aircraft, in what officials described to Reuters as precautionary measures in anticipation of an Iranian attack across its borders.

The Israeli army said that more than 200 drones were launched from Iran, while security sources in Iraq and Jordan said that dozens of them were seen flying over the two countries. American officials said that the US military shot down some of them.

Late last year, Jordan asked the United States to deploy its Patriot air defense system to strengthen its border defenses.

Officials say that the Pentagon has since increased its military aid to the Kingdom, which is a major regional ally of Washington, and where hundreds of American soldiers are stationed and conduct extensive training with the Jordanian army throughout the year.

In Syria, Agence France-Presse reporters reported hearing strong explosions on Saturday night and Sunday in Damascus.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, for its part, indicated that explosions were heard in the skies of Damascus, as well as in Homs, Hama, Daraa, and on the Syrian coast as well.

The Observatory explained that the explosions “resulted from an attempt by the regime’s air defenses to intercept Israeli aircraft and missiles that were trying to confront Iranian missiles.”

Iranian state television announced that the Revolutionary Guard launched a “massive” attack with drones and missiles towards Israel on Saturday night, about two weeks after the bombing that targeted the Iranian consulate in Damascus, in an attack that raises fears of escalation in the Middle East region.

This attack is the first of its kind launched by Tehran directly against Israel.

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