In the sixth episode of the prank show “Ramez Jab from the Other,” the artist Ramez Jalal hosted the actress Maram Ali and Pamela Al-Kik.
At the beginning of the episode, Ramez Jalal mocked Maram and Pamela, as the former revealed that many men had proposed to marry her, saying: “There are 1,000 men who want to marry me, and many people want to marry me.”
Then Ramez asked her a question in which he said: “Is the grape tattoo still there?” Maram surprised the audience by showing him to Ramez to confirm his presence
For her part, Pamela Al-Kik said: “Ramez Jalal has a sweet spot for us in the Arab world and we love him.”
Regarding her dispute with Nadine Njeim, Pamela said: “All I said is that she is no longer beautiful because of plastic surgery.”
Ramez Jalal mocked the name Pamela Al-Kik, saying: “Is he Baba Halwani?” The Lebanese artist replied: “I don’t know, but they call me vanilla cake.”
When asked about the fact that she asked for a million dollars to participate in the series “Crystal,” she commented, saying: “I asked for a big number and that’s it.”
Ramez continued his mockery of Maram Ali and Pamela Al-Kik, saying: “They make series that make men hot on their women and increase divorce in the Arab world, and that is why they bring you into the black room and your night will remain black. The monster Newton has appeared on them.”
The screams of Maram Ali and Pamela Al-Kik rose in the black room as Ramez Jalal targeted them with rifle bullets, and the dog chased them.