What does it mean to authorize the Chairman of the Roads and Bridges Authority to carry out some of the duties of the Minister of Transport, Kamel Al-Wazir?

Published on: Monday, April 15, 2024 – 3:16 PM | Last updated: Monday, April 15, 2024 – 3:16 PM

The Minister of Transport, Lieutenant General Kamel Al-Wazir, issued Resolution No. 22 of 2024, dated January 10, authorizing the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the General Authority for Roads and Bridges in his capacity to exercise the jurisdiction of the Minister of Transport, stipulated in Article 970 of the Civil Code.

Only one specialty

The decision did not include delegating the head of the Roads and Bridges Authority to any other specialty within the minister’s work. The decision also indicated that the public interest required this delegation, after it was proposed by the head of the authority.

What does this authorization mean? What is the nature of the specialty?

The jurisdiction of the Minister of Transport in Article 970 of the Civil Code is limited to the authority to administratively remove attacks on private funds owned by the state, public legal persons, or economic units affiliated with public institutions, public bodies, or public sector companies.

This article prohibits assaulting these funds and properties, or gaining any right in rem over these funds by statute of limitations.

In the event of an attack on these funds, the competent minister has the right to remove them administratively.

This provision applies to all ministers, each within their jurisdiction, not just the Minister of Transport. Therefore, this jurisdiction includes what falls within the jurisdiction of the Minister of Transport alone, including state property, public legal persons, economic units affiliated with the state, and public sector companies.

With the issuance of this decision, the head of the Roads and Bridges Authority, in his capacity, has the right to issue administrative orders to remove the prohibited violations subject to Article 970 of the Civil Code, without referring to the Minister of Transport.

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