A source reveals to CNN what Biden told Netanyahu regarding the Iranian attack on Israel

(CNN)– A senior US administration official told CNN that US President Joe Biden told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, during a phone call, that “he should consider tonight a win because the current assessment of the United States is that the Iranian attacks were largely unsuccessful and demonstrated the ability to… Israel’s military superiority.

The official added that the US assessment is that all of the drones and missiles launched by Iran were destroyed in the sky, made no impact, and did not hit anything of value.

The American official added that Biden made clear to Netanyahu that the United States “will not participate in any offensive operations against Iran.”

Biden said, in a statement issued by the White House, that he will meet with the leaders of the Group of Seven on Sunday to “coordinate a unified diplomatic response to the brazen Iranian attack.”

He added: “My team will communicate with their counterparts throughout the region, and we will remain in close contact with Israel’s leaders.”

He continued: “Although we did not witness attacks on our forces or facilities today, we will remain vigilant in the face of all threats and will not hesitate to take all necessary measures to protect our people.”

According to the statement, US destroyers moved into the area earlier this week and helped Israel shoot down almost all incoming drones and missiles.

Biden stated that he spoke with Netanyahu after the attack to “reaffirm America’s firm commitment to Israel’s security,” and said: “I told him that Israel has demonstrated a remarkable ability to defend against and defeat unprecedented attacks, sending a clear message to its enemies that they cannot threaten Israel’s security in any way.” effective”.

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