Director Peter Mimi: All the weapons of the series “The Assassins” were made in the workshops of Al-Sabtiyya and Khan Al-Khalili

Muhammad Shaaban

Published on: Sunday, April 14, 2024 – 2:53 AM | Last updated: Sunday, April 14, 2024 – 2:53 AM

Director Peter Mimi said that all the weapons in the series “The Assassins” were manufactured locally with high precision in workshops in the Al-Sabtiyeh area, Khan Al-Khalili, and Al-Ghuriya neighborhood.
During an interview with the “Last Word” program with media personality Lamis Al-Hadidi, broadcast on the “ON E” screen on Saturday evening, he pointed out that the work team used historical books to draw the designs, pointing to their cooperation with skilled craftsmen in various fields such as blacksmithing, ivory, And leather, to manufacture every piece of weapon
He noted that hundreds of lightweight wooden copies were manufactured so that the actors could easily use them during filming after completing the original version of each weapon, saying: “The workers of Al-Sabtiya and Khan Al-Khalili are very, very smart people, and in the past they used to travel around the world making these things.”
He also pointed out the series crew’s keenness to use Egyptian materials in the manufacture of accessories, taking into account Persian and Fatimid influences on the design, in a way that suits the series’ time period.
He added that all the scenes of the series that take place in Fatimid Cairo were filmed inside Egypt. An accurate embodiment of the historical environment of the series
He expressed his hope that the series “The Assassins” would constitute a turning point in Egyptian historical drama, and would encourage the production of more high-quality historical works.

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