Gulf News | Prince William ignores a question about the health of his wife, Kate Middleton

Prince of Wales William ignored a question asked by a journalist about the health of his wife, Princess Kate Middleton, during his visit to a club Wrexham Football Association in Wales. William deliberately did not answer the question while walking at Wrexham AFC Racecourse. During a trip to celebrate St. David’s Day, which raised more concern among the public about his health The princess, who has not appeared in public since last year. As William was on his way to the stadium, a fan asked him: “Can I get a picture?” Someone with you, please?” The prince replied, “Can I say hello to the team? I will be back.” Which confirmed that he intended not to respond to the journalist in the beginning.

Later in the visit, William thanked a group of schoolchildren who presented him with a bouquet of flowers “I’ll send it to Catherine too, thank you very much,” he told his wife Kate. Last Tuesday, Prince William withdrew from the memorial service for the late King of Greece, Constantine V Windsor Castle due to a “personal matter,” which raised concerns about the health of his wife, who underwent a surgical procedure In the stomach, he kept her away from her royal duties. ‬

In the latest statement about Kate, a royal spokesman said last week: “Kensington Palace made clear in January “The princess’s recovery timelines and we will only provide important updates.”

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