Her nails acquitted her… How did an unfaithful wife escape the gallows?

01:55 PM

Monday, April 15, 2024

Books – Atef Murad:

Instead of taking care of her sick husband and working to serve him, she took advantage of his illness, which lasted for more than three years. She unleashed her whims and desires, sneaking out every night to her musician neighbor, and she was decked out in the most beautiful pajamas. When the husband found out, he asked her, and she sarcastically replied that she was young and would not keep her youth captive to his illness. He felt helpless, which led him to throw away his life.

Based on the book “The Strangest Cases” by Counselor Bahaa Abu Shaqa, Senate representative, we tell how the wife caused her husband’s suicide and saved her from the gallows.

He lived his childhood and youth deprived of the warmth of his family and the affection of his parents. His parents died in a traffic accident. God gave him a man from among his relatives who stood by him, adopted him, and helped him until he completed his studies and obtained a Bachelor’s degree in engineering. He traveled to one of the Arab countries in search of a job opportunity. His exile lasted 20 years, during which he spent his youth working until he was able to accumulate a large fortune with which he returned to his homeland.

One day, the engineer met a girl who was a little over twenty years old, “a cafeteria worker in central Cairo.” He sought to get to know her and courted her. He was generous with her in the tips he offered along with his orders.

After several meetings, the marriage took place, and she moved to his luxurious apartment overlooking the Nile. She lived a luxurious life in his shadow, but happiness did not last; He was injured in his spine while working, so the illness confined him to bed, and he felt a rapid change in her treatment of him.

The wife did not stand by his side during his illness, which lasted for more than three years. She had free rein in his money that he placed in the banks after she obtained a general power of attorney from him allowing her to spend whatever she wanted. She gave free rein to her whims and desires, staying up late at night, and if he asked her, she would answer him sarcastically that she A young woman who would not keep her youth a prisoner of his illness. He was holding his bitterness, misery, and helplessness in his chest.

One night, the husband woke up from his sleep and discovered that his wife was sneaking up on this young man every night, decked out in her finest nightclothes.

Suddenly, the husband was found murdered in his office room. His diaries, which he was recording and keeping in his desk drawer, included details of his life as previously mentioned. He added in his diaries that he felt that his end in life was near after he confronted her about her betrayal, and she shocked him, and her answer was in the utmost immorality and arrogance, as She asked him for a divorce, reproaching him for his masculinity, and that she found what she wanted in this young man who had brought her out of that grave in which she lived, and she threatened to kill him if he did not respond to her demand for divorce.

These were his diaries that were found in his desk drawer, and a tape recording of his voice was also found containing and documenting this statement.

The prosecutor also found a report from the Public Prosecution accusing his wife of adultery with this young man and seizing his money.

This was the picture that Counselor Bahaa Abu Shaqa faced as an investigator of the case. Initial investigations revealed that the wife was in a sinful relationship with the musician neighbor, who had been found to have been not in the apartment for about a month and that he was traveling to one of the Arab countries on work with one of the musical bands and that he would return after two months.

It turned out that the maid was present at the time of the accident. By summoning her and asking her, she confirmed what she saw as harsh and severe behavior in the woman’s treatment of her husband after his illness. She confirmed that the wife had gotten rid of her husband after she asked for a divorce and he refused, and that she had seen her with her own eyes as she put poison for him in the okra dish that she served. He has lunch in his office.

Confronting the wife, she denied it. When examining the body, it was revealed that she had traumatic injuries on the victim’s forehead.

The maid said that she saw the victim after he ate a plate of okra and he began to feel the effects of poison and began to vomit while he said to her: You killed me, you traitor, so she assaulted him with the phone “tool.”

The wife was imprisoned and a decision was issued to perform an autopsy on the husband’s body, and to cut the fingernails of the accused wife and the maid. Surprisingly, the analysis laboratory report proved that the nails of the accused and the maid were free of any toxic substances, while it was proven from the anatomical report of the victim’s body and an analysis of his intestines that he had consumed a coffee drink. A highly toxic substance that causes death.

The maid was called and, confronting her, she collapsed and confessed that the wife was innocent and that the husband had committed suicide.

The husband’s plan to take revenge on his wife and wrap a noose around her neck almost succeeded, as he tightened its strings, starting with his diaries, the tape recording, and his written complaint to the prosecution.

He tightened the threads of his revenge plan when he agreed with the maid and devised with her the plan to accuse his wife after his death.

The day after the maid’s question and her confession, which changed the course of events and the evidence in the case, the young musician came on his own, having returned from traveling and learned of the accident.

The young musician said in his confessions before the investigation authorities: Yes, she used to visit me in my apartment next door when her husband went to sleep. She would complain to me about the cruelty of her life with the man for whom she had become a nurse, not a wife. I used to listen to her, wipe away her tears, and make the life of emptiness, boredom, and torment that she lived easy. In which.

The musician added in his statement: One time, she suddenly, frankly, and with insistence without the slightest doubt, asked me to help her get rid of her husband by killing him, after he refused to divorce her so that we could get married and live together.

He continues, continuing his conversation: She calmed down and completely refused to share her thoughts or go along with what she intended to do, and I decided to leave the apartment and travel to sing in one of the Arab countries.

The wife was acquitted of the accusation of killing her husband, and on the day her luxury car overturned and fell into the Nile, with a drunk young man next to her who met the same fate. She was driving like crazy after a loud evening in which she had shaken off the dust of the past and became free from the marriage bond.

Abu Shaqa concluded in writing “The Strangest Cases”: Positive law proved her innocence of killing her husband, but heaven’s justice did not abandon her.

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