Video: Abu Ubaida announces the death of a British prisoner as a result of his injury in an Israeli bombing

Ahmed Alaa

Published on: Saturday, May 11, 2024 – 5:24 PM | Last updated: Saturday, May 11, 2024 – 5:24 PM

The Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of the Hamas movement, announced the death of a prisoner with British citizenship, named Nadav Boublabel (51 years old).

Al-Qassam spokesman Abu Ubaida said in a written statement on Saturday that the British prisoner died as a result of the wounds he sustained after the occupation aircraft targeted his place of detention more than a month ago with prisoner Judy Feinstein.

The statement added: “His health condition deteriorated and he died because he did not receive intensive medical care in care centers due to the enemy’s destruction of hospitals in the Gaza Strip and their out of service.”

In a video release, Al-Qassam explained that “the prisoner’s mother had been released in an exchange deal, while the son was left to face his fate of death.”

It is noteworthy that the video clips broadcast by Al-Qassam about the prisoners and their fate always increase the pressure on the Israeli government headed by Benjamin Netanyahu.

Netanyahu is accused by the families of the prisoners and many Israelis of ignoring the fate of the prisoners, refusing to conclude an exchange deal, and insisting on continuing the war to protect his political future.

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